Have you used this product? And what have you experienced?
I tried ';Breaks Over'; from Herbal Essence and it was fine. What's the deal with this one? Any other brand I use I have NEVER had that happen before. I thought maybe I wasn't washing it out all the way, or vice versa but no. I went back to my trusty Tresemme for now, lol. Anyone have that problem??Have you used Herbal Essence ';Long Term Relationship'; shampoo/conditioner?
I haven't tried any of the Herbal Essence products in about six years. I've been using Tres'emme but it like the other shampoos, makes my hair feel rough. When I use a conditioner then it's soft and manageable.
I use Suave Conditioner for kids. Smells great and is gentle.
I was thinking about using Herbal Essence as I was looking on the internet for what is available now, I came across a site that has me looking into the matter further about P%26amp;G's testing on animals. The site is http://www.hurtfulessences.org/
I'd rather go back to using Melaleuca's shampoo and conditioners, they don't have the harmful ingredients like those our on the retail shelves..the majority of those out there on the shelves, I should say.Have you used Herbal Essence ';Long Term Relationship'; shampoo/conditioner?
Herbal Essence gave me dandruff. Then I had to buy head %26amp; shoulders to get over it. I think it had to much perfume for me. I rarely can use any of the shampoo from the salons. I think different peoples body chemistry %26amp; hair type reacts differently to different products.
i dont know i use herbal essences ';long term relationship';, ';drama clean'; and ';body envy';.
i use it mainly for the lovely smell it gives off!
';body envy'; smells amazing!
i havnt had that problem but try garnie is ok but tresemme has the best moose ever
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